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Course: TESL 1150

Division: Humanities
Department: Teach English as Second Lang
Title: Community Outreach

Semester Approved: Summer 2023
Five-Year Review Semester: Spring 2028
End Semester: Spring 2029

Catalog Description: Students will learn about and prepare oral presentations of a foreign culture of their choice. The cultural presentations will be performed for community organizations in the surrounding area to teach people about countries around the world. This course replaces TESL 1151 and TESL 1152.

Semesters Offered: Fall, Spring
Credit/Time Requirement: Credit: 1; Lecture: 1; Lab: 0
Repeatable: Yes. up to 4 credits

Prerequisites: N/A

Corequisites: N/A

Justification: Educated students need to know about the world around them. Since the majority of the Snow College students have been raised in mono-cultural circumstances, this course is a step in helping them become better global citizens, avoid xenophobia, and appreciate the varieties of culture throughout the world. This course is required for completion of the certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will gain a deeper appreciation for their own culture and the other cultures represented in the class. Student will demonstrate cross cultural understanding by making presentations about specific cultures to the community.

Students will develop and understanding of the history, customs and values of a world culture through readings and research.  Students will write a reflective essay on their presentations and what they have learned through research of the culture.

Through planning and giving presentations to various public groups, students learn about the culture they are going to present and learn to discern the differences and commonalities between the behaviors, policies, and artifacts of other cultures and their own culture.

Key Performance Indicators:
At the instructor's discretion, the following criteriawill be used of the purpose of assessment

Presentation 40 to 60%

Reflection essay 40 to 60%

Representative Text and/or Supplies:

Pedagogy Statement:
Through discussion, research, presentation and reflection students will learn the material about countries throughout the world. Students will compare and contrast differences and similarities about their own culture with other cultures in the world. This course necessarily entails the development of perspective consciousness in relation to students' own cultural backgrounds (individual and collective identities; histories & stories; values & biases; etc.), and in regard to how these relate to those of others, including their classmates and various surrounding/local cultures. As such, mutually inclusive and critical reflection and discussion exercises toward such consciousness are to be emphasized.

Instructional Mediums:

Maximum Class Size: 20
Optimum Class Size: 20