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Job Finder

  • This is a fabulous resource page to learn about gigs, music education jobs, and a 各种各样的音乐职业道路.

Here is something to keep in mind when looking for a job in the music industry:  When you first start to work in the music field,  you generally will end up getting a gig (或工作),你觉得你不是百分之百胜任.  同样值得注意的是, whenever you are looking for music jobs, that you might feel unqualified based on the written job description.   不要因此而放弃申请great opportunities.  记住这一点:如果你是大学毕业生,行业专家 around the world are more likely to hire you because they understand that you can complete long term goals, learn new subjects, exercise patience, show up on time, do things even when you really don't want to, receive instruction in a professional manner, etc.  同样重要的是要注意,你不应该有焦虑 starting a new job because, once you start a job, you will gain the experience and 你需要具备胜任那份工作的技能.  你也会学到新的知识 和技术技能,这将进一步建立你的市场技能组合.  This is why you should apply for any job that you are interested in (New employers know that your college education is worth it and that you will probably do an acceptable job 尽你所能去学习你的手艺). 

Important Fact:  Every musician should strive to gain protools and finale experience, show "production" 经验丰富,对麦克风和混音板有一定的了解.  The simplest of functionality on these platforms is highly valued and highly requested in any music arena.  拥有这些技能将最终使你能够自己写作和记录 音乐在你的家里,因此节省你的时间和金钱在你的职业生涯. 

祝你找到一份令人兴奋的工作!  (游船、录音棚、电视台、 Radio Stations, Production, Musical Director, Talent Scout, Artist Manager, Stage 助理、录音工程师等).

Chronicle Careers

  1. 在“关键字”搜索栏中输入“音乐”这个词.
  2. Click "Search Jobs".


Music Jobs USA

  1. 点击Job Board,至少在第11页查看一下招聘信息.
  2. Click the "Click here to display Internships and look around starting from the last page" (click on "LAST").  你应该读到75页左右. Work your way backwards by clicking on the page links.

Los Angeles Music Network

  1. 点击Job Bank查看工作.
  2. Access what skills you don't have and what experience you might need to get your foot in the door. 



  • Arranger, Producer, Orchestrator, Composer, Film Scorer/Composer, Jingle Writer, Songwriter, 抄写员,抄写员,指挥
  • 广告经理,订票代理,商务经理,现场跟单,音乐 出版商,私人经理,职业经理
Careers in Film Scoring
  • Film Composer, Music Editor, Music Supervisor/Director, Film Arranger/Adapter, Film 指挥,电影音乐管弦乐,合成专家,主题专家
Careers in Jazz Composition
  • Jazz Composer, Jingle Writer, Film Scorer/Composer, Arranger (Adapter), Songwriter, Orchestrator, Conductor, Copyist, Educator/Teacher, Transcriber, Editor (print music publishing)
Careers in Music Education
  • Choir Director, College/Conservatory/University Music Educator, Elementary School Music Teacher, Music Supervisor, Private Instructor, Secondary School Music Teacher
Careers in Music Production & Engineering
  • MIDI Engineering, Music Director, Producer, Program Director, Recording Engineer, Studio Director or Manager
Careers in Music Synthesis
  • MIDI Technician, Programmer, Performing Synthesist, Music Sequencer, Sound Designer
Careers in Music Therapy
  • What is Music Therapy? 音乐治疗对我来说是一个很好的职业前景吗? What Career 音乐治疗师有机会,音乐治疗师在哪里工作?
Other Music-Related Jobs
Careers in Performance
  • Vocal/Instrumental Soloist, Session Musician, General Business Musician, Performing 艺术家,管弦乐队/团体成员,背景歌手,舞台表演乐队
Careers in Record Companies
  • A&R Administrator, A&R协调员,校园代表,消费者研究员,主任 of Publicity, Marketing Representative, Public Relations Counselor, Publicist, Regional 销售经理歌曲创作生涯
    Composer, Jingle Writer, Lyricist, Producer/Songwriter, Singer/Performing Songwriter, 员工或自由词曲作者
    Careers in Tours/Road Work
Music Career Resources
Music-Related Associations
    Music Network USA
    为音乐专业人士提供完整的信息资源. 免费分类广告,音乐行业 links, Job Listings and more.
  • 音乐人发布他们的可用性和其他个人信息的服务 all over the world.
    Musicians Network
  • To offer a means for networking and mutual support to musicians and people in the industry.
Music Yellow Pages
  • You'll find contact information for manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and nationwide services.


By Peter Spellman, Director of the Career Development Center, Berklee College of Music
This article is from his new book, Indie Marketing Power: The Guide for Maximizing Your Music Marketing.

音乐的世界太大了,不可能有一个放之四海而皆准的音乐事业成功模式. Musicians' 职业道路就像每个人的指纹一样独特. Nevertheless, there are a few guidelines that I believe apply to anyone trying to make a living career out of their love of music. Here are five:

磨练你的才能,意识到你有自己的位置. 不是每个人都是昆西·琼斯, a Beatles, or a Bruce Springsteen, but if an artist like Tom Waits is a vocalist, 那肯定也有你的位置. 做必要的工作来超越你的 niche, whether it's writing a chart, engineering a session, providing backup vocals, 或者教孩子基本的音乐知识.

Your goal, to use marketing lingo, is to "position" yourself in your "market" as the 有特定技能或才能的人. 不要过于担心工业 rejection. 英国的每家唱片公司最初都放弃了披头士和滚石乐队 Stones. 关键是相信自己,坚持超越别人的意见 those of "the industry").

Connect with as many people as you can because relationships drive music careers more 其他的,甚至是天赋. 音乐是一种“你认识谁/谁认识你”的生意. The quality and quantity of your relationships will be the primary engines of your progress. 试着和其他音乐家一起开发创意项目. Perhaps you can combine your live show with two other acts and present the package to a local promoter. There is strength in numbers. 找到正确的组合需要实验.

If you're interested in working in the business side of music, then interning at a music company is the best way to both learn how the biz works and connect with those 谁能帮助你的事业发展.

Accept the new powers in your corner and take responsibility for creating your own success. 过去的二十年给了你们生产和分配的手段 在全球范围内播放你自己的音乐. 世界上正在出现新的商业模式 of music. “唱片交易”不再是目标. The Internet has clearly become your "open mic" to the world, and desktop technologies provide you 有办法拥有大公司的外观、影响力和效率. Dare to be different.

记住,新的权力也意味着新的责任. 全球影响力意味着潜在的 far-flung audience. 您需要准备好接收来自 this new market. 你是否创造了最好的业务结构来保持和表达 your work? 你是否建立了有效的系统来与你的听众沟通? It's up to you to create your own success and not merely rely on a record company 或代理商来做让你在市场上可见的工作.

Understand that every business is becoming a "music business" and so musical opportunities are multiplying. 是一家咖啡公司和一家电脑制造商教的 音乐产业如何在数字时代销售音乐! 非音乐行业无处不在 是否在寻找创造性的方式将音乐相关的服务添加到他们的组合中. This means that you needn't be dependent on the traditional "music industrial complex" for music career success.

Think of companies you already resonate with and try brainstorming ways you can link up. Start on a local scale. 它可能是礼品店、书店或艺术组织. It may even evolve into a full-fledged sponsorship for a tour or recording project. Find ways to add value to what these businesses are doing with what you have to offer. 打造创意联盟是打造多维度音乐事业的关键.

Prepare to be versatile and to wear several hats initially, until your "brand" is established. 我认识的大多数音乐人都不得不拼凑几个收入来源 in the early stages of their careers in order to make enough money to support themselves. Many have also had to take on a non-music "lifeline careers" just to make ends meet, 偿还债务,或者补充他们从音乐中获得的收入.

I tell musicians to not so much look for "a job," but to seek out the work that needs to be done. 它可能是编曲,演奏婚礼演出,帮助组织 a concert series, doing a jingle session, offering private music instruction, or writing 对你最喜欢的乐队新专辑的评论. 最终,所有不同的经历 融合成咆哮的河流,这将是你的音乐生涯. At that point 你会被人看到,被人需要,并且能够说出你的价格. And that's career success.

Peter Spellman is Director of the Career Development Center at Berklee College of Music, Boston.