

A career in social science can be a rewarding way to put study into practice. 机会 in this career path include 职位 that use research and data to understand and 改善社会. Many of the top careers in social science are also expected to grow 快于平均水平 in the next ten years due to the need for qualified individuals 分析数据和趋势.

Anthropologists study many different cultural backgrounds through artifacts, research, 以及统计分析. 的 primary goal of anthropology is to understand human 行为和改善人类状况. 人类学家的工作描述包括 collecting data and statistical information to create reports about people and communities. Anthropologists must combine knowledge of biology, evolution, and archeology with 帮助解决社会问题的当前数据和趋势. 对人类学感兴趣的学生 must be prepared to study biology, statistics, and history. 个人可以进入 into the field upon receiving a master’s degree from an accredited university. 的 这个职业的平均工资是每年54,230美元. 根据劳动局的数据 Statistics, job outlook for anthropologists is expected to grow 快于平均水平. As the world becomes more global, anthropologists can help governments and organizations 理解并与其他文化一起工作. 相关的职位可能包括考古学家, ethnologist, cultural specialist, or development officer.

经济学家收集和解释经济数据. 这些数据可能来自企业, 政府和组织. Economists then present this data in a way that others 可以理解. 的se professionals may also provide consulting advice and suggest 经济问题的解决方案. 经济学家大量使用数字数据,金融数据 报表和财务报告. 对经济学感兴趣的学生应该有很强的 proficiency in math, quantitative science, and data interpretation. 学生应该 also be ready to work as professional, and have strong communication skills to present 发给客户端的数据. To get an entry level job, a individual will need a bachelor’s degree 获得认可大学的经济学学位. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the median annual pay for an economist was $89,450 in 2010. 相关职位名称 economists may include business analyst, market research analyst, financial planner, 或者财务顾问.

中学后 teachers instruct students in a range of settings beyond secondary 学校. 的se individuals work at colleges, universities, and research centers. 中学后 teachers also conduct research in their field of specialization and publish research 论文和书籍. Students interested in becoming post-secondary teachers must have a strong aptitude for reading comprehension, writing, and evaluation. 专业人士 in this field must know how to interpret data objectively and work well with people 来自不同的背景. Time management and ability to work in groups to solve 问题也很重要. 根据美国劳工统计局的数据, the median annual pay for post-secondary teachers is $62,050 per year. 许多专上教师 also gain employment as consultants or experts in their field. 个人需要 doctorate or professional degree to begin work in this position. 研究生 may gain teaching experience during 学校 to help prepare for 实地工作. Related job titles may include professors, educators, and social scientists.

社会 psychologists study the behavior of people 来自不同的背景 in 为了理解社会中的群体动态. 社会心理学家做广泛的研究 research and gathers quantitative and qualitative data from individuals and groups. Students interested in this profession should work well with empirical data and statistics. Oral communication and listening skills are a must, since many social psychologists 也提供咨询或调解服务. 社会的年薪中位数 psychologists can range from $68,640 to $89,900 per year. 根据职位的不同, individuals need to have a master’s, specialist, or doctorate degree to begin work 在野外. In addition, psychologists must pass a license exam in order to begin 在大多数州工作. Related job titles include counselor, behavior analyst, mediator, 社会教育家.

社会 workers provide social welfare and human rights services to improve the lives 别人的. 的se professionals use research analysis and data to put service projects 直接付诸实践. 社会 workers may either help individuals solve problems in daily life, or use social knowledge in clinics to help patients. 这份工作是最好的 suited for individuals who can work well with others on a personal level. 个人 need a bachelor’s degree in social work or a related social science major to begin 实地工作. A master’s in social work may also be required to advance to leadership 职位. Most states require social workers to obtain a license to practice. 的 median annual pay for social workers ranges from $39,250 to $42,480 per year. 根据 to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, job outlook for social work is expected to grow 快于平均水平. 相关职位名称 social workers include correctional specialists, rehabilitation counselors, 学校 social workers, direct-service social workers, and 临床辅导员.

Survey researchers collect and analyze social science data. 雇主通常会雇佣 these individuals to design professional surveys and present reports with factual data. Survey researchers may work for research agencies, polling firms, non-profit 组织或公司. 这个职位最适合有以下特点的人 strong aptitude in statistics, data, and human resource activities. 获得工作 在野外, individuals must have a bachelor’s degree in a social science discipline 比如心理学或政治学. 课程应该包括研究方法和 statistics in order to learn how to create professional surveys. 每年中位数 调查研究员的年薪是36,050美元. 根据劳动局的数据 Statistics, job outlook for this position is expected to grow 快于平均水平. Related job titles include market research analyst, survey poll analyst, public opinion 分析师和政策顾问.